
October 7, 2012

Altar Flowers
Flowers on the Altar today are given to the glory of God by Katherine Keenan.

Sunday Afternoon Class Continues
This Sunday, Fr Wilcox will continue his class on “Anglicanism: What’s the Big Deal? A Look at Its Worship, History and Belief.” The class meets the first, second and fourth Sundays of the month. We begin at 1.00 PM and run until 2 o’clock. Evening Prayer follows at 2.15. Bring your Prayer Books—together with the Bible, they will be our only texts.

Women of the Parish Plan October Rummage Sale
The Women of St Joseph’s have set Saturday, October 13th as the date for our Fall Parish Rummage Sale, so start digging through your garage, spelunking in your basement and clamber up to your attic for all those treasures your put aside 30 years ago that you just couldn’t do without. Here’s your chance to get rid of ‘em! Ladies, start your rummaging!

Collection for Our New Bishop
Our new Suffragan Bishop, the Rev Robert Giffin, is being consecrated on October 11. Fr Wilcox is taking up a collection for a gift to be presented at his consecration, so watch out--he'll be putting the touch on YOU sometime soon!

Sacrament of Unction This Sunday
The Sacrament of Unction and Prayers for the Sick will be offered after Mass next Sunday. Those desirous of receiving the Sacrament are asked to come to the Altar Rail when the clergy return to the sanctuary. You may receive the Sacrament on behalf of another baptized person. Please tell the priest the name of the person for which you are receiving it before he anoints you.

Ingathering Sunday
The first Sunday of the month (that's this Sunday!), we take up our Monthly Ingathering. Please remember to bring some non-perishable food item and put it in the basket by the door. Your gifts for the poor will be brought forward and blessed during the Offertory at Mass. Last month we contributed 130 pounds of food to the New Braunfels Food Bank.

Inquiring Anglicans of San Antonio Meet This Week
The Inquiring Anglicans meet this Thursday at the home of Sidney & Janet Francis (203 Primera Drive in San Antonio) at 11.30 AM. Our session wraps up about 12.30, after which we retire to Laurent’s Modern Restaurant around the corner for a fabulous “French fusion” lunch. We have a great time and a superb meal. Join us!

Call Sidney at (210) 865-6570 for more information and directions.

Thanks to the Women of the Parish
Thanks to the Women of St Joseph's who spent last Friday afternoon going through and pricing the things donated for our upcoming Rummage Sale. Things are looking pretty good for the Sale, but there is more work to do! Next Friday, they'll meet again at 10 AM for more preparations. Come by and lend a hand!
