Worship at St Joseph's is traditional; don't mistake that for dull. With us it's more like a weekly adventure.
The traditional Book of Common Prayer, which dates back to the first English Mass of 1549, looks back beyond the medieval Latin Mass, to the Lord Jesus gathered with His disciples around the table on the night in which He was betrayed.
Our Sunday schedule keeps the same cycle of Christian prayer which reaches back to the first years of Christianity. It begins with Morning Prayer at 8.30, continues with the celebration of the Mass at 10.30 in the morning, and (for the summer) concludes with Evening Prayer at 1.00 PM. The Mass is partially sung, with hymns drawn from the best traditions of English hymnody; there is a sermon at the Mass.
This Sunday, October 7, is the Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity. The Mass setting is John Merbecke's Communion Service. The Processional Hymn is "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name," # 355 in the 1940 Hymnal. The Offertory today is # 252, "I Worship Thee, Lord Jesus." Our final hymn is "Hail to the Lord's Anointed," # 545. Fr Gregory Wilcox is the Celebrant of the Mass; Fr Benjamin Holland is the Gospeller and Preacher. Mr Pedro Vallejo is the Crucifer and Epistoller: he will be reading the Epistle in Spanish.